Central European Forum on Maintenance 2011


5/31/2011 - 6/1/2011


Vysoké Tatry, Štrbské Pleso, Hotel PATRIA

International conferenceheld under the patronage of the Slovak Ministry of Economy


Main partners:






      Dear friends and colleagues,


       The idea to organize meetings of experts in maintenance on a broader scale within the Central European region came in 2004 in the SSU and for the first time it was realised under the name Central European Forum on Maintenance in May 2005 in the High Tatras on Štrbské Pleso. These conferences take place biannually alternating with the Euromaintenance conferences. After Slovakia in 2007 it was Poland in Wroclaw, then in 2009 the Czech Republic in Liblice and in 2011 the conference returned for the fourth time again to Slovakia.

       The conference belongs to the top activities of SSU and the last one confirmed its position. We are glad to see that the vision formulated in the very beginning is has been fulfilled "Bring up-to-date information of high professional level and provide suitable conditions for exchange of experience among maintenance professionals from Slovakia and abroad. “ This vision is still valid and each conference contributes to fulfilling the basic goals of the SSU activities.

       The number of registered participants was 201, out of which 41 foreigners, the second highest so far. As usual most of them from Czech Republic - 29, followad by Hungary - 5, Poland - 4, Austria, Sweden and the United Kingdom by 1. Number of participants from Slovakia was 160, the second highest in the history, too.
      The winner of the "SSU award Maintainer of the Year 2010", was professor Hana Pačaiová from The Technical University Košice.
       There were two winners of the "SSU award for master thesis" - Ing. Tomáš Vnenčák, graduate from The University of Žilina, the topic of the thesis was "Increase of reliability and availability of equipment in production unit UAR in PCA Slovakia s. r. o. Trnava“ (supervisor doc. Juraj Grenčík) and Ing. Marián Ondriš, graduate from STU, MTF Trnava for master thesis topic of "Proposal for higher effectiveness of maintenance management system in company ESTAMP Slovakia s.r.o., Zlaté Moravce“ (supervisor Ing. Milan Richter).

SSU Board of Management


  1. Best practice in operation and maintenance
  2. Maintenance information systemsand support
  3. Predictive maintenance and diagnostics
  4. Innovative maintenance technologies
  5. Safety and special topics

Accompanying programme - seminars and workshops on maintenance effectiveness and effects on product quality, TPM, safety in maintenance, benchmarking, maintenance management and influence on energy consumption, diagnostics

Professional Guarantors: Conference Preparatory Committee:
  • Václav Legát
  • Juraj Sinay
  • Peter Zvolenský
  • Michal Abrahámfy
  • Dušan Belko
  • József Csiba
  • Gabriel Dravecký
  • Juraj Grenčík
  • Jozef Hrubec
  • Vendelín Íro
  • Krzysztof Olejnik
  • Hana Pačaiová
  • Marko Rentka
  • Vladimír Stuchlý
  • Ivan Ševčík
  • Zdeněk Votava
  • Anton Vrba
  • Michal Žilka
CEFOM 2011 – Participants evaluation


Which sessions you watched:
  yes partly no   yes partly no
Maintenance best practices and management 75% 16% 9% Progressive maintenance technologies 56% 39% 5%
Information systems and maintenance support 54% 35% 11% Maintenance safety and special topics 54% 37% 9%
Predictive maintenance and diagnostics 72% 23% 5%        
Your evaluation (score: 1=excellent 5=bad):
Overal level 1,43±0,56 Conference organisation 1,07±0,25
Professional level of presentations 1,69±0,58 Conference topics 1,56±0,58
Conference venue 1,05±0,27 Conference date 1,20±0,50


The most interesting presentation

Pos. Name Organisation Presentation Points Average Counts
1 Ondrej Valent CMMS, s.r.o Praha Methods of moderns maintenance - examples from rpactice 66 2,44 27
2 Martin Varga SEPS, a.s. Bratislava Repairs and actions on pipelines under full operation 43 2,26 19
3 Jan Franlund UTEK Expectations, Challenges, Achievements - The Maintenance Contribution 40 2,50 16
4 Viera Peťková eustream,a.s. Risk reduction by maintenance actions and inspections 40 2,35 17
5 Juraj Sinay TU v Košiciach Technical diagnostics and risks - their mutual interaction under Safety and Security conditions " 29 2,23 13
6 Václav Legát ČZU, TF Praha & ČSPU Proper maintenance reduces risks 23 1,77 13
7 Michael Herring SKF UK Limited Electrical Testing of Motors - The Modern Approach 21 2,10 10
8 Libor Keller TSI Systems s.r.o. Brno Ultrasound diagnostics 19 2,11 9
9 Jozef Tóth GE Energy services Slovakia,s.r.o., Importance of predictive maintenance and new trends in maintenance support 18 2,57 7
10 Vanda Kadlečíková GEFOS a.s., Praha New possibilities of relevant data mining on maintained equipment 17 1,42 12
11 Juraj Bátora Hella Slovakia Signal-Lighting s.r.o. Contributions and experience with TPM system in Hella Slovakia Signal-Lighting s.r.o. 15 3,00 5
12 Miroslav Šandor INSEKO, a.s. Žilina Choice and implementation of EAM 14 1,75 8

Photos from the conference

Tuesday, 31 May, 2011

Hotel PATRIA at Štrbské Pleso - traditioan location of the conference

Conference opening - conference hall and chair table

Conference opening - chair tablefrom the left: Krzysztof Olejnik - PNTTE representative, Poland; Václav Legát - ČSPÚ chairman, Czech rep.; Martin Hlinka - Slovak Ministry of Economy; Vendelín Íro - SSU vice chairman; Juraj Grenčík - SSU chairman; Jan Franlund - president of UTEK (Swedish Maintenance Society) and EFNMS BoD member; Juraj Sinay - TU Košice

Conference opening - Vendelín Íro - SSU vice chairman

Opening adresses - Maritn Hlinka, director of department of industry and innovations, Slovak Ministry of Economy

Opening adresses - Václav Legát - ČSPÚ chairman, Czech rep.

Opening adresses - Jan Franlund - president of UTEK (Swedish Maintenance Society) and EFNMS BoD member

professor Juraj Sinay, TU Košice, professional guarantor

Conference opening - Juraj Grenčík: SSU and trends in mainenance

SSU award "Maintainer of the year 2010" - Hana Pačaiová, TU Košice

SSU award "Maintainer of the year 2010" - Hana Pačaiová, TU Košice: Trends in maintenance managament

SSU award "Maintainer of the year 2010" - Hana Pačaiová, TU Košice: Trends in maintenance managament

SSU award for master thesis - Tomáš Vnenčák, University of Žilina (absent, handed over after the conference)

SSU award for master thesis - Marián Ondriš, MTF STU Trnava

SSU award for master thesis - Marián Ondriš, MTF STU Trnava

Congress hall - participants

Congress hall - participants

Ondrej Valent, CMMS, s.r.o.: Methods of modern maintenance - examples from practice

Viera Peťková, eustream, a.s.: Risk reduction by maintenance actions and inspections

Speaker and the auditorium listening

Rudolf Piaček, SPP-distribúcia, a.s.: Inspection of Gas Pipelines in SPP - distribúcia, a.s.

Martin Varga, SEPS, a.s. Bratislava : Repairs and actions on pipelines under full operation

Milan Podhradský, University of Žilina, Forensic engineering department: Information on book "Law in economical life"

Ján Petko, U.S.Steel Košice, s.r.o.: Maintenance as a guarantor of technical safety, environmental compliance and reduction of energy demands

Ivan Ševčík, INSEKO, a.s. Žilina : If you think you have nothing to improve in your company, then do not visit us

Jan Franlund, UTEK : Expectations, Challenges, Achievements - The Maintenance Contribution

Michael Herring, SKF UK Limited : Electrical Testing of Motors - The Modern Approach

Václav Legát, ČZU, TF Praha & ČSPU : Proper maintenance reduces risks

Juraj Sinay, TU v Košiciach : Technical diagnostics and risks - their mutual interaction under Safety and Security conditions

Juraj Bátora, Hella Slovakia Signal-Lighting s.r.o. : Contributions and experience with TPM system in Hella Slovakia Signal-Lighting s.r.o.

Dušan Belko, SE AE Jaslovské Bohunice, SK : Use of maintenance system for increasing performance of nuclear power plant blocks JE V-2

József Csiba, MÁV Hungary, Budapest, HU : Relationship between the Reliability and Availability Characteristics of Vehicle Systems

Ondrej Valent, CMMS, s.r.o Praha, CZ : Oberator based reliability (OBR) and maintenance - realised examples from practice in our companies

Jozef Tóth, GE Energy Services Slovakia, s.r.o. : Importance of predictive maintenance and new trends in maintenance support

Miloš Tuharský, WURTH, s.r.o. : Mobile workplace of maintainer - tool for increasing his productivity

Jan Kamenický, Technická univerzita v Liberci : Evolution of RCM analyses in time

Věra Pelantová, Technická univerzita v Liberci : Self-assessment and maintenance

Ferenc Dömötör, Dunaújvárosi Főiskola : Vibration diagnostics - introduction of the book

Matej Hájek, sféra, a.s., Bratislava : Maintenance Information system in the company environment with implemented ERP system

Vanda Kadlečíková, GEFOS a.s., Praha : New possibilities of relevant data mining on maintained equipment

Miroslav Šandor, INSEKO, a.s. Žilina : Choice and implementation of EAM

Jozef Čvirik, Ipesoft s.r.o. Žilina : From installation of IS to solution of maintenance and asset management problems

Radim Doležal, Technická univerzita v Liberci : Digitalisation in maintenance and its possible effects

Jaroslav Zajíček, Technická univerzita v Liberci : Utilisation of results from RCM for reduction of production loss formula

Josef Chudoba, Technická univerzita v Liberci : Determination of confidence limits of Weibull distribution for evaluation of products reliability

Conference dinner


Conference dinner

Conference dinner

Conference dinner

Conference dinner

Conference dinner

Conference dinner

Conference dinner

Conference dinner

Solo for the "Maintainer of the year"

Company exhibitions


Company exhibitions

Company exhibitions

Company exhibitions

Company exhibitions

Company exhibitions

Company exhibitions

Company exhibitions

Company exhibitions

Company exhibitions

Company exhibitions

Company exhibitions

Company exhibitions

Company exhibitions

Company exhibitions

Company exhibitions


Wednesday, 1 June, 2011

Radoslava Paulenková, InterTriboDia s.r.o. Tlmače : Tribotechnical diagnostics as inseparable part of technical diagnostics

Tadeáš Lipus, SKF Ložiska a.s., Praha : Machinery diagnostics as part of planned maintenance

Adam Bojko, Adash, s.r.o. : Modern vibro-diagnostic instruments

Peter Tirinda, B & K, s.r.o. : Possibilities of optimised protection and diagnostics of machines

Libor Keller, TSI Systems s.r.o. Brno : Ultrasound diagnostics

Milena Kureková, InterTriboDia s.r.o. Tlmače : Use ad infra-red techniques in tribotechnical diagnostics of oils

Vladimír Nováček, ALS Czech Republic, s.r.o., Praha : Analyses of oils as a tool of proactive maintenance of machines

Štefan Kúdela, SE AE Mochovce : Renovation of spare parts by thermal spraying with high speed flame

Milan Baranec, KLEENTEK Slovakia, s.r.o., SK : KLEENTEK Fluid Management

Ivan Havaš, Diago s.f. Brezno : System of electrostatic oil cleaning EOC

Jaroslav Dancák, U.S.Steel Košice, s.r.o. : Repair of rubbered cylinders by cementing

Dušan Kiseľ, K – TEST, s.r.o., Košice : Use of thermo camera during installation and maintenance of photovoltaic power plants

Petr Hudeček, Manomer SK, a.s., SK : Criteria for selection of proper pressure meter

Gabriel Nowacki, Motor Transport Institute, Warsaw : Tests results of NATCS - Pilot Project

Grzegorz Woźniak, Instytut Transportu Samochodowego, Warszawa : Safe operation of the vehicles in the road transport, in the aspect of the rear bumper

Viliam Janak, U.S.Steel Košice, s.r.o. : Energy locking during maintenance of overhead cranes

Andrej Červeňan, UVSETMK, SjF, STU v Bratislave : Optimisation of production machines design from the maintenance point of view

Gabriel Dravecký, GD Project : Introduction of SSU project – "Knowledge audit of maintenance“



Conference closing - ballot of winners from returned enquiry sheets

Conference closing - 1st prise

Conference closing - Consoaltion prise

Conference closing - thanks to participants and organisers, invitation to the 12th NFM 2012

Thursday, 2 June, 2011

Seminars and workshops:

Workshop: Condition monitoring – increase of relaibility and costs savings - Branislav Kyseľ, U.S.Steel Košice, s.r.o

Branislav Kyseľ, U.S.Steel Košice, s.r.o

Seminár: Risks in maitnenance, their effects on plannining and support by IS - Hana Pačaiová, TU v Košice; Miroslav Šandor, Inseko, a.s. Žilina

Hana Pačaiová, TU Košice

Hana Pačaiová, TU TU Košice

Miroslav Šandor, Inseko, a.s. Žilina

Workshop: Maintenance Benchmarking – globalised maitnenance and reliability indicators - Juraj Grenčík, SSU/ŽU; Vendelín Íro, SSU/SUZ

Juraj Grenčík, SSU/ŽU

Juraj Grenčík, SSU/ŽU

Seminár: Maintenance efficiency and effecs on wuality products, TPM– Gabriel Dravecký, GDProject

Gabriel Dravecký, GDProject

Pictures from the High Tatras 2011

Favourite trip to waterfall Skok in Mlynická valley

Favourite trip to waterfall Skok in Mlynická valley

Mlynická valley with waterfall Skok, on the left Solisko peak, Štrbský peak in the background

Dominant Vysoká

Almost summer Kriváň peak


Final Programme:


Tuesday, 31 May, 2011


7:00 - 8:30 Registration
8:30 - 8:30 Conference opening
8:30 - 8:40 Official Addresses
8:40 - 8:50 Juraj Grenčík, SSU / ŽU, SjF, KDMT, Žilina, SK : SSU and trends in maintenance
8:50 - 9:00 SSU award “Maintainer of the Year 2010“
9:00 - 9:10 SSU “Master Thesis Award“
9:10 - 9:10 Best practice in operation and maintenance
9:10 - 9:30 Ondrej Valent, CMMS, s.r.o Praha, CZ : CMMS contribution to maintenance
9:30 - 9:40 Viera Peťková, eustream, a.s., SK : Risk reduction by maintenance actions and inspections
9:40 - 9:50 Rudolf Piaček, SPP-distribúcia, a.s. , SK : Preventive maintenance and prevention of extraordinary situations in SPP-distribúcia, a.s.
9:50 - 10:05 Vlastimil Mäčko, ARI-Armaturen Albert Richter GmbH & Co. KG, SK : ARI-Armaturen: Product portfolio
10:05 - 10:20 Jan Vytřísal, SEPS, a.s. Bratislava, SK : Repairs and actions on pipelines under full operation
10:20 - 10:50 Coffee Break
10:50 - 11:05 Ján Petko, U.S.Steel Košice, s.r.o., SK : Maintenance as a guarantor of technical safety, environmental compliance and reduction of energy demands
11:05 - 11:20 Ivan Ševčík, Peter Herman, INSEKO, a.s. Žilina, SK : If you think you have nothing to improve in your company, then do not visit us
11:20 - 11:40 Jan Franlund, UTEK, SE : Expectations, Challenges, Achievements - The Maintenance Contribution
11:40 - 12:00 Michael Herring, SKF UK Limited, UK : Electrical Testing of Motors - The Modern Approach
12:00 - 12:15 Václav Legát, ČZU, TF Praha & ČSPU, CZ : Proper maintenance reduces risks
12:15 - 12:30 Juraj Sinay, TU v Košiciach, SK : Technical diagnostics and risks - their mutual interaction under Safety and Security conditions
12:30 - 13:30 Lunch
13:30 - 15:30 Best practice in operation and maintenance
13:30 - 13:45 Juraj Bátora, Tibor Trnka, Hella Slovakia Signal-Lighting s.r.o., SK : Contributions and experience with TPM system in Hella Slovakia Signal-Lighting s.r.o.
13:45 - 14:00 Dušan Belko, SE AE Jaslovské Bohunice, SK : Use of maintenance system for increasing performance of nuclear power plant blocks JE V-2
14:00 - 14:15 József Csiba, MÁV Hungary, Budapest, HU : Relationship between the Reliability and Availability Characteristics of Vehicle Systems
14:15 - 14:20 Ferenc Dömötör, Dunaújvárosi Főiskola, HU : Vibration diagnostics handbook
14:20 - 14:35 Ondrej Valent, CMMS, s.r.o Praha, CZ : Operator based reliability and maintenance - implemented cases from practice
14:35 - 14:50 Jozef Tóth, GE Energy Services Slovakia, s.r.o., SK : Importance of predictive maintenance and new trends in maintenance support
14:50 - 15:05 Miloš Tuharský, WURTH,s.r.o., SK : Mobile workplace of maintainer - tool for increasing his productivity
15:05 - 15:15 Jan Kamenický, Technická univerzita v Liberci, CZ : Evolution of RCM analyses in time
15:15 - 15:25 Věra Pelantová, Technická univerzita v Liberci, CZ : Self-assessment and maintenance
15:25 - 15:30 Zuzana Augustínová, Vydavetaľstvo Techpark Žilina, SK : Tribotechnics and Technology Magazines
15:30 - 16:00 Coffee Break
16:00 - 18:00 Maintenance information systems and support
16:00 - 16:15 Matej Hájek, Rastislav Krbaťa, sféra, a.s., Bratislava, SK : Maintenance Information system in the company environment with implemented ERP system
16:15 - 16:30 Vanda Kadlečíková, GEFOS a.s., Praha, CZ : New possibilities of relevant data mining on maintained equipment
16:30 - 16:45 Miroslav Šandor, INSEKO, a.s. Žilina, SK : Choice and implementation of EAM
16:45 - 17:00 Jozef Čvirik, Ipesoft s.r.o. Žilina, SK : From installation of IS to solution of maintenance and asset management problems
17:00 - 17:15 Oldřich Kuboň, Systémy Ratech s.r.o., SK : Maintenance and operation support in real time
17:15 - 17:30 Radim Doležal, Technická univerzita v Liberci, CZ : Digitalisation in maintenance and its possible effects
17:30 - 17:45 Jaroslav Zajíček, Technická univerzita v Liberci, CZ : Utilisation of results from RCM for reduction of production loss formula
17:45 - 18:00 Josef Chudoba, Technická univerzita v Liberci, CZ : Determination of confidence limits of Weibull distribution for evaluation of products reliability

18:00 – 19:00 Internal programme of SSU

19:30 – 24:00 Conference dinner



Wednesday, 1 June, 2011


8:00 - 10:00 Predictive maintenance and diagnostics
8:00 - 8:15 Radoslava Paulenková, InterTriboDia s.r.o. Tlmače, SK : Tribotechnical diagnostics as inseparable part of technical diagnostics
8:15 - 8:30 Tadeáš Lipus, SKF Ložiska a.s., Praha, CZ : Machinery diagnostics as part of planned maintenance
8:30 - 8:45 Petr Uřídil, Ladislav Antal, SPM Instrument, s.r.o., CZ : Reliable diagnostics of bearings using SPM methods
8:45 - 9:00 Adam Bojko, Adash, s.r.o., CZ : Modern vibro-diagnostic instruments
9:00 - 9:15 Peter Tirinda, B & K,s.r.o., SK : Possibilities of optimised protection and diagnostics of machines
9:15 - 9:30 Libor Keller, TSI Systems s.r.o. Brno, CZ : Ultrasound diagnostics
9:30 - 9:45 Milena Kureková, InterTriboDia s.r.o. Tlmače, SK : Use ad infra-red techniques in tribotechnical diagnostics of oils
9:45 - 10:00 Vladimír Nováček, ALS Czech Republic, s.r.o., Praha, CZ : Analyses of oils as a tool of proactive maintenance of machines
10:00 - 10:30 Coffee Break
10:30 - 12:00 Innovative maintenance technologies
10:30 - 10:45 Štefan Kúdela, SE AE Mochovce, SK : Renovation of spare parts by thermal spraying with high speed flame
10:45 - 11:00 Milan Baranec, KLEENTEK Slovakia, s.r.o., SK : KLEENTEK Fluid Management
11:00 - 11:15 Pavol Marek, Ivan Havaš, Diago s.f. Brezno, SK : System of electrostatic oil cleaning EOC
11:15 - 11:30 Jaroslav Dancák, U.S.Steel Košice, s.r.o., SK : Repair of rubbered cylinders by cementing
11:30 - 11:45 Dušan Kiseľ, K – TEST, s.r.o., Košice, SK : Use of thermo camera during installation and maintenance of photovoltaic power plants
11:45 - 12:00 Petr Hudeček, Manomer SK, a.s., SK : Criteria for selection of proper pressure meter
12:00 - 13:00 Safety and special topics
12:00 - 12:10 Gabriel Nowacki, Grażyna Nowacka, Motor Transport Institute, Warsaw, PL : Tests results of NATCS - Pilot Project
12:10 - 12:20 Krzysztof Olejnik, Grzegorz Woźniak , Instytut Transportu Samochodowego, Warszawa, PL : Safe operation of the vehicles in the road transport, in the aspect of the rear bumper
12:20 - 12:35 Viliam Janak, U.S.Steel Košice, s.r.o., SK : Energy locking during maintenance of overhead cranes
12:35 - 12:45 Andrej Červeňan, UVSETMK, SjF, STU v Bratislave, SK : Optimisation of production machines design from the maintenance point of view
12:45 - 13:00 Gabriel Dravecký, GD Project, SK : Introduction of SSU project – "Knowledge audit of maintenance“
13:00 - 13:10 Conference closing
13:10 - 14:10 Lunch



Thursday 2 June, 2011


Conference accompanying programme:
Workshop:Condition monitoring – increase of relaibility and costs savings - Branislav Kyseľ, U.S.Steel Košice, s.r.o
Seminar : Maintenance efficiency and effecs on wuality products, TPM – Gabriel Dravecký, GDProject; Dušan Belko, Transtechno, s.r.o
Seminar : Risks in maitnenance, their effects on plannining and support by IS - Hana Pačaiová, TU v Košiciach; Miroslav Šandor, Inseko, a.s. Žilina
Workshop: Maintenance Benchmarking – globalised maitnenance and reliability indicators - Juraj Grenčík, SSU/ŽU; Vendelín Íro, SSU/SUZ




We look forward to meeting you at the 12th National Forum on Maitnenance 2012!
Štrbské Pleso, Hotel Patria, 29 - 31 May, 2012